east Forum 2019

26.-28. August 2019 in Glasgow, United Kingdom


Prof. Dr. Sudipta Roy as one of the main organizers ©east

Prof. Dr. Sudipta Roy as one of the main organizers ©east

Prof. Dr. P. Leisner, Dr. L. F. Arenas, Prof. Dr. I. Krastev

Prof. Dr. P. Leisner, Dr. L. F. Arenas, Prof. Dr. I. Krastev

EAST Forum 2019 was integrated in Electrochem 2019 in Glasgow. The conference was hosted by the University of Strathclyde with European Board Member Prof. Dr. Sudipta Roy as one of the main organizers. It was a successful conference with 140 presentations and 200 attendees from more than 30 countries. This year the focus of east was to support the development of young scientists. In cooperation with the European training network mCBEEs (Advanced integrative solutions to Corrosion problems beyond micro-scale: towards long-term durability of miniaturized Biomedical, Electronic and Energy systems) results from 15 Ph.D. students were presented covering the subjects of energy and environment, materials and processes, as well as corrosion.

See also www.strath.ac.uk

One of the highlights was the prize ceremony for the Schwäbisch Gmünd Prize for Young Scientists. The winner was Dr. Luis Fernando Arenas, Electrochemical Engineering Laboratory, University of Southampton, UK, who gave an invited talk about catalytic metal coatings on porous and 3D printed electrodes for electrochemical flow reactors.