east Forum 2015

25. - 26. june 2015 in Lund, Sweden


The annual EAST Forum conference entitled “Progress in Functional and Sustainable Surface Technology”, took this year place in the historical university town of Lund in Sweden. The local organizing institutions were Jönköping University and SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden.

It was a successful event with 33 scientific presentations and more than 60 participants representing 15 European countries. EAST Forum 2015 did also host an exhibition showing equipment and examples of advanced processes and products.

The majority of the presentations were about electrochemical surface treatment, but also physical vapour deposition, ion implantation and sol-gel coating were represented. Corrosion protection of steel and light metal was an important theme discussed in many of the presentations at the conference.

The EAST Forum was followed by the annual EAST member meeting 2015 at which Prof. Dr. Peter Leisner was elected as new president of EAST following Prof. Dr. Luigi Pietro Cavallotti who had been president since 1989.